Inter-American Foundation Fund
The Inter-American Foundation (IAF) is an independent foreign assistance agency of the United States government, working to promote equitable, responsive, and participatory self-help development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
IAF makes grants to non-governmental organizations (NGO) to raise living conditions of disadvantaged populations, and to advance other social goals. Specific grant-making interests include:
1. Grassroots projects in agriculture;
2. Clean water and sanitation; and
3. Forests and other natural resources managed at the local level.
According to Part IV, Section 401(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1969, "it shall be the purpose of the Foundation, primarily in cooperation with private regional and international organizations, to:
Strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding among the peoples of this hemisphere; Support self-help efforts designed to enlarge the opportunities for individual development; Stimulate and assist effective and ever wider participation of the people in the development process; Encourage the establishment and growth of democratic institutions, private and governmental, appropriate to the requirements of the individual sovereign nations of this hemisphere."
The guiding principles of the Inter-American Foundation are to support people, organizations, and processes; channel funds directly to the non-governmental (NGO) sector; promote entrepreneurship, innovation, and self-reliance; strengthen democratic principles; empower poor people to solve their own problems; and treat partners with respect and dignity.
Recent Grants
US$227 thousand to Desarrollo Social Sostenible Para Bolivia (Bolivia) for technical assistance and training in coconut and cacao agro-forestry, and in marketing and processing cacao by 150 indigenous families in La Paz department.
US$223 thousand to Fundación para el Desarrollo y la Protección de la Cuenca del Río Nizaíto en Paraíso (Dominican Republic) to introduce new methods of sustainable farming, and improve the quality of the Nizaíto River.
Grant and Program Size
IAF does not fund requests for less than US$25 thousand or for more than US$400 thousand (for projects of one to four years).
Proposals may be submitted throughout the year, and they are reviewed as they are received.
Applications can be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, or Haitian Creole.
Funding Restrictions
The Inter-American Foundation does not fund proposals from individuals and, also the following;
1. Proposals directed by government entities; proposals presented by entities outside the country in which the project is located;
2. Proposals from groups that do not contribute financial or in-kind resources to the proposed activities;
3. Proposals associated with political parties, partisan movements, or purely religious or sectarian activities; proposals that request more than 50 percent in overhead expenses;
4. Proposals for pure research;
5. Proposals from charitable institutions or welfare projects;
6. Proposals solely for construction or equipment; or projects whose objectives do not encourage a shared capacity for self-help.
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