Trust Africa and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) are pleased to announce a new round of grants to support research on the investment climate and business environment in Africa. This call focuses on SMEs and how they relate to, or are affected by, the ever-changing global landscape and processes in investments, private sector development and governance related developments. Grants will be awarded in the following three categories following an open, competitive process:
=> Small Grants: up to US$10,000
=> Intermediate Grants: above US$10,000 but not exceeding US$50,000
=> Large Grants: above US$50,000 but not exceeding US$100,000
This Call for Proposals is the second in Phase II and the fourth overall since the ICBE Research Fund was established in 2006. To date, the Fund has awarded grants to more than 70 research teams totaling more than US$2 million.
The following suggested themes for this round of grants reflect the Fund's interest in building knowledge on the investment climate and business environment for more inclusive markets throughout Africa:
1. Entrepreneurship and small businesses: women and youth entrepreneurship; productivity and bankruptcy risk factors; influence of social norms and other cultural characteristics; role of regulation; rule of law and entrepreneurial incentives and motivation; traditional local governance and business productivity.
2. SMEs and Innovation: what role for ICTs; innovation drivers; African SMEs innovation niches; African SMEs and the green economy — renewable energy;
3. SMEs and the global economy: aid flows and African SMEs; international remittances and African SMEs; FDI, foreign outsourcing from OECD countries and African SMEs; BRICs FDI, foreign outsourcing and African SMEs;
4. SMEs and domestic economic policy: African SMEs and domestic fiscal policy — crowding-out or crowding-in effects?; African SMEs and the formal banking; African SMEs and microfinance; African SMEs and informal finance; and
5. SMEs and sustainable agriculture and food production in Africa.
The application deadline is July 29, 2011 (5:00 pm GMT).
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