Ministry of Environment & Forests Grants
Non-Formal Environmental Education
Environmental Education, Awareness and Training (EEAT) plays a significant role in encouraging and enhancing people's participation in activities aimed at conservation, protection and management of the environment, essential for achieving sustainable development. The Ministry, therefore, accords priority for the promotion of non-formal environment education and creation of awareness among all sections of the society through diverse activities using traditional and modern media of communication. Some of the major activities undertaken in this regard are as follows:
National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC)
The NEAC was launched in mid 1986 with the objective of creating environmental awareness at the national level. It is a multi-media campaign which utilises conventional and non-conventional methods of communication for disseminating environmental messages to a wide range of target groups. Under this campaign, nominal financial assistance is provided to registered NGOs, schools, colleges, universities, research institutions, women and youth organisations, army units, State Government Departments etc. from all over the country for organising / conducting awareness raising activities. These activities which include seminars, workshops, training programmes, camps, padyatras, rallies, public meetings, exhibitions, essay / debate / painting / poster competitions, folk dances and songs, street theatre, puppet shows, preparation and distribution of environmental education resource materials etc., are followed by action like plantation of trees, management of household waste, cleaning of water bodies etc. Diverse target groups encompassing students, youth, teachers, tribals, farmers, other rural population, professionals and the general public are covered under NEAC. The programme is being implemented through 28 designated Regional Resource Agencies (RRAs) for specific states/regions of the country. The list of these RRAs along with their addresses is given at the end. The applications for participation in this programme are invited every year through advertisement in major national and regional newspapers during the months of May / June. Any additional information can be obtained from the concerned regional resource agency.
Eco-clubs (National Green Corps)
The main objectives of this programme are to educate children about their immediate environment and impart knowledge about the eco-systems, their inter-dependence and their need for survival, through visits and demonstrations and to mobilise youngsters by instilling in them the spirit of scientific inquiry into environmental problems and involving them in the efforts of environmental preservation.
Since the modification of the scheme in 1993, more than 10,000 Eco-clubs had been provided grants until 2000-2001 in various parts of the country. Considering that the total numbers of schools covered were grossly inadequate compared to the total number of schools in the country and keeping in view the potential of this programme in sensitizing the school students. It was decided to intensify this programme to cover each and every district of the country.
A programme of raising 'National Green Corps' through the Eco clubs was, therefore, launched during 2001-2002. Under this programme, Eco-clubs are being set up in 100 schools of each District of the country. 47,000 Eco-clubs have been set up so far in the country. This programme is being implemented in each State/UT through the Nodal agency appointed by the State/UT Govt.
The Government of India provides financial assistance for establishment of Eco clubs @ Rs.1000 per Eco-club, Training of Master Trainers, teacher training and distribution of resource materials.
Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)
The GLOBE is an International Science and Education Programme, which stress on hands-on participatory approach. India joined this programme during the August, 2000. This programme, which unites students, teachers and scientists all over the world, is aimed at school children. The students of GLOBE schools are required to collect data about various basic environmental parameters under the supervision of a GLOBE trained teacher and use it for explaining hypothesis as well as to enhance their scientific understanding of the earth. This data is also used by the scientists in their research work. The GLOBE also provides an opportunity to the students to interact not only with the GLOBE scientists but also with the students from GLOBE schools in other parts of the world. About 100 schools spread over different parts of the country have already joined this programme. The teachers of these schools have also been trained in various GLOBE protocols. An International training workshop for trainers was successfully organised at New Delhi during January, 2002. The participants at this workshop, which included representatives from Nepal and Thailand besides India, were trained in Basic and Advanced GLOBE Protocols by a training team from GLOBE Headquarters in USA.
Mass Awareness
Despite great efforts to spread environmental awareness by the Ministry through several schemes, it is felt that a large population especially in rural areas is still left out. The best way to reach out to them and make them aware of the environmental problems is through media, particularly the electronic media. "Mass Awareness" has therefore been identified as one of the thrust areas of the Ministry, not only to intensify the efforts already being made in this direction but also to launch new initiatives. The Doordarshan and few other television channels are proposed to be extensively used for telecasting environment based programmes and infomercials. Professional Media agencies which are hired to assist the Ministry in carrying out the campaign also play a major role. To encourage individual efforts in producing films/documentaries on environment/wildlife related themes in the country, the Ministry has sponsored organisation of a film festival "Vatavaran - 2001" by Centre for Media Studies, Delhi in April 2002.
This Programme will fund proposals for promoting environmental awareness the scope of which is beyond that of other programmes of Environmental Education, Awareness and Training (EEAT) scheme. Such proposals will be supported by the Ministry based on merits and their conformity with the requirements of the Ministry in its endeavours to promote environmental awareness of different target groups.
Scope of the Programme
1. A suggestive list of 'Other Awareness Programmes' that will be financially supported by the Ministry include:
2. Awareness cum action programs in and around the protected area, in wildlife corridors, biodiversity hotspots, rivers and wetlands.
3. Awareness programs which focus on communities that are critical to conservation of forests / wildlife / environment.
4. Activities like nature camps, Marathon / walkathons / Yatras / Quiz Competitions / Green Haat
Eligibility Criteria
1. The proponent could be a recognized academic/research institution or a government department/government undertaking with at least three years of experience of working in environmental related fields.
2. The proponent could be a registered voluntary/professional organization/Trust/NGO with atleast three year experience in environment related fields and registered under the relevant provisions for a minimum of three years and raising audited accounts.
3. The proposal should specify the outcomes expected particularly in regard to enhancement in awareness about environmental issues.
4. The proponent would bear a minimum of 15% of the total cost of the proposal which could be from the proponent own funds or form a sponsor.
How to Apply
1. Application forms can be obtained either from the Ministry or downloaded from the Ministry's website.
2. Applications from government departments / government undertakings / academic / research institutions shall be duly forwarded by the Head of department / government undertaking / institution.
3. Applications shall be accompanied by copies of utilization certificates and audited statement of expenditure for the grants previously received, over the past three years under this programme, besides certified proof of registration.
Scrutiny of Proposals:
The Monitoring and Coordination Cell of the MoEF, duly supported by the COEs, will have a key role in scrutiny of the proposals as per specified guidelines and formats. The criteria will be:
1. Conformity with the eligibility criteria.
2. Previous work done in environment.
3. Proponent is not eligible for receiving assistance more than once under this programme in one financial year
4. The nature/scope of the proposed programme / event shall not be covered by that of other programmes of EEA T scheme
Quantum of Assistance:
1. For a state-level event / programme a maximum assistance of Rs. 5.OO lakhs and for a national-level event / programme a maximum assistance of Rs. I 0.00 lakhs will be considered.
2. The Internal Screening Committee for scrutiny of applications can however, consider a higher quantum of assistance in exceptional cases subject to condition that the assistance recommended shall not exceed 20% of the total annual budgetary provision for 'Other Awareness Programmes' .
The proposals made to donor / grantmaking organization is to create a long lasting relationship between two different organizations seeking a mutual goal. Donors want to reap the maximum social advantage out of their money by giving it to grantseeking organizations, who can be partner to achieve their goal. Ozg proposal writers represent a grantseeking organization, who can be partner to achieve donor's goal as well as their own mission. Go to: for more details.
Ozg Donor Consulting offers various services to donors or grantmaking organizations to achieve their goals in an effective manner. Go to: for more details.
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Application Form
Grant-in-Aid to Awareness Programme
About the Organization:
1. Title of the Proposal/Project:
2. Name and address of the Organization /Institution:
3. Name and Designation of the Key persons of the Organization:
4. Activities of the organization/institutions:
5. Objective of the organization:
6. Designation of person empowered / authorized to receive financial grant from MOEF (Details for transfer of funds electronically as per annexure):
7. Status / Category in which the organizing Institution falls whether Registered Society/Academic institution / University / College / School (Govt./Private) / Government Department / Non-Governmental organization / Others (Specify).
8. In the case of a registered Society applying for grant, whether copies of the following documents have been enclosed? This includes copies of Registration Certificate (Valid)/Memorandum of Association / Bye-Iaws / Audited Statement of Accounts for last three preceding years/Annual report of the organizing Institute for last 2 years.
9. Key problems / issues to be addressed:
10. Objectives and strategies and proposed activities:
11. Key outputs & outcomes
12. Comment on Sustainability aspect. How the outcome/outputs will be sustained?
13. Institutional capability of the organizing institute in organizing environmental events. Whether the organization has taken up such programme in the past, and the documentary evidence thereof:
14. Date (s) of the event:
15. Place where the event is to be held:
16. Details of target group:
17. No. of participants in the proposed event: (Foreign & Indian):
18. Financial Assistance required from MoEF (Budget Break up):
19. Any other sources of funding:
20. Agencies which can be benefited by the proposed activity:
Details required for transfer of funds electronically:
1. Electronic Clearing System (ECS) (For Local Disbursement)
2. Bank Account Number (Both in Figures & Words)
3. Nine Digit MICR Code
4. Beneficiary's Name
5. Amount
6. Photocopy of Front Page of Pass Book
(For Outstation Disbursement: Entities having Account of Union Bank of India (U.B.I), CBS Branches)
1. 15 Digit Account No. (Figure & words)
2. Beneficiary's Name
3. UBI's Branch Name
4. Amount
5. Photocopy of Front Page of Pass Book
Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) (For Outstation Disbursement: Entities having Account in Bank Branches of other than U.B.I.)
1. Name
2. Address of Beneficiary
3. Name of Beneficiary's Bank, Branch and Address
4. IFSC Code of Beneficiary's Bank Branch
5. Type of account (Saving Bank/ Current/ Cash Credit)
6. Account No.
7. Amount (Minimum amount of remittances under the scheme will be Rs. 50,000.00)
8. Photocopy of Front Page of Pass Book
Important Note –
Please, do not send unsolicited emails or mail seeking funding support to donor agencies. This will discredit your NGO and can also bring bad reputation to you as an individual as well as a NGO.
Fund raising is a competitive process and you need to follow ethics and not spam donor emails with long, unrelated requests for fund / grant support. If you just keep sending emails seeking support without knowing your donor, your chances of raising funds for your NGO will be drastically reduced and you may be blacklisted as a spammer.
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