

FICCI-USAID - Millennium Alliance Awards - 2012

Ozg Awards Management Consultant

Ozg CenterDelhi - NCR / Bangalore / Kolkata / Mumbai

Contact # 098-735-09314; 098-735-23276; 084-476-06974




FICCI-USAID - Millennium Alliance Awards

The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have established the Millennium Alliance (MA), a network to bring together various actors within India's social innovation ecosystem including, but not limited to, social innovators, philanthropy organizations, social venture capitalists, angel investors, donors, service providers, and corporate foundations, to stimulate and facilitate financial contributions from the private and public sectors and offer a range of support to innovators.

Who Can Apply?

For Local private and non-governmental entities, who are registered entities in India

1.      Partnerships under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932

2.       Sole proprietorships

3.      Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)

4.      Family Owned Businesses/ HUFs

5.      Companies registered under the Companies Act, 1956

For-profit educational institutions

6.     Educational Institutions that are privately managed

For Non-profit educational institutions

1.      Trusts under the public trusts act of India

2.       Societies under the societies registration act, 1960

3.      Section-25 institutions under the companies act, 1956

The awards will be provided in the following sectors:

The Millennium Alliance will give awards for the following sectors:

1.      Basic Education (specifically early grade)

2.       Family Planning and Reproductive Health

3.      Maternal and Child Health

4.      Agriculture/Food Security

5.      Clean Energy/Climate Change

6.     Others – Any innovation pertaining to a sector, which would either directly benefit the population at the Base of Pyramid (BoP) or indirectly creates/improves the environment that improve lives for the BOP.

MA will fund game changing innovations capable of delivering maximum development impact for the people at the base of the pyramid. These innovations should be game-changing, cost-effective, scalable, sustainable and have global relevance.

The deadline to submit applications for the awards is 15 September 2012.

Ozg Awards Management Consultant

Ozg CenterDelhi - NCR / Bangalore / Kolkata / Mumbai

Contact # 098-735-09314; 098-735-23276; 084-476-06974

