TRAID Grants for Development Projects - 2012
Textile Recycling for Aid and International Development
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TRAID stands for Textile Recycling for Aid and International Development. This is a UK based registered charity with three main objectives:
- To protect the environment by diverting clothes and shoes from landfill;
- To reduce world poverty by raising funds for overseas development projects;
- To educate the UK public on environmental and world poverty issues.
This year, TRAID is committing £400,000 to international development projects.
TRAID aims to be open and approachable, and operate a fair and transparent application process. TRAID review the funding round each year and use feedback from applicants to develop and improve its funding programme.
Project Funding Criteria
TRAID funds projects which:
- Combat the negative impacts of the textile industry on people and/or the environment.
- Improve the health, income and attainment of rights of those working in the textile supply and production chain. This includes children and home workers.
It is sufficient to meet one of these criteria.
Project approach
TRAID seek to fund projects which:
- Reduce inequality
- Involve the local partner and beneficiaries in the project design, and include them in its implementation, monitoring and evaluation
- Build the capacity of the local organisation(s)
- Protect and improve the environment or do it no harm
- Aim for sustainability
TRAID will consider applications for any amount of funding up to the total budget available. TRAID will consider applications for both co-funded projects and projects where it will be a sole donor.
Length of project
Projects should aim to be sustainable within the funded period or have a plan in place for ultimate sustainability. There is no maximum length of project.
Location of project
TRAID does not have a particular geographical focus for funding. However, it does not fund projects in countries without a recognised development need.
Full cost recovery
TRAID recognises that in addition to the costs directly associated with a project, such as staff and equipment, projects will also draw on the resources of the rest of an organisation. The full cost of any project should be applied for.
Number of projects funded
NGOs are welcome to submit as many Concept Notes as they wish. NGOs who have previously applied for funding from TRAID, whether their application was successful or unsuccessful, are welcome to apply for funding.
How to apply
Interested NGOs are invited to submit a Concept Note, no longer than two sides of A4.
Submit to via email: by 10 AM, Tuesday 6th March 2012.
In the Subject Line of your email, please put 'Your Organisation TRAID Concept Note 2012'
NGOs selected to submit a full proposal will be notified and sent an application pack by 21 March 2012.
Final funding decisions will be made by 21 August 2012.
Need help in Writing Proposal ?
The proposals made to donor / grantmaking organization is to create a long lasting relationship between two different organizations seeking a mutual goal. Donors want to reap the maximum social advantage out of their money by giving it to grantseeking organizations, who can be partner to achieve their goal.
Ozg proposal writers and liaison agents represent a grantseeking organization, who can be partner to achieve donor's goal as well as their own mission. Go to for more details.
Ozg Donor Consulting offers various services to donors or grantmaking organizations to achieve their goals in an effective manner. Go to: for more details.
Important Note –
Please, do not send unsolicited emails or mail seeking funding support to donor agencies. This will discredit your NGO and can also bring bad reputation to you as an individual as well as a NGO.
Fund raising is a competitive process and you need to follow ethics and not spam donor emails with long, unrelated requests for fund / grant support. If you just keep sending emails seeking support without knowing your donor, your chances of raising funds for your NGO will be drastically reduced and you may be blacklisted as a spammer.
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