Mangroves for the Future Fund
Mangroves for the Future (MFF) fund was launched at Phuket, Thailand in December 2006, is a unique partnership-led initiative to promote investment in coastal ecosystems. The initiative is founded on a vision for a more healthy, prosperous and secure future for all Indian Ocean coastal communities, where all ecosystems are protected and managed sustainably. It has two main objectives: to strengthen the environmental sustainability of coastal development; and to promote the investment of funds and efforts in coastal ecosystem management.
MFF builds on coastal management interventions before and after the 2004 tsunami, especially the call to continue the momentum and partnerships generated by the immediate post-tsunami response. Surrounded by the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, India has an 8,000 kilometres coastline that spans 13 maritime mainland States and Union Territories (UTs). Approximately 20 percent of India's population lives in coastal areas, with a large proportion based in urban centers like Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
MFF's Programme of Work in India
Comprised of a range of governmental departments, NGOs, intergovernmental organizations and academic institutions, MFF's programme of work in India is overseen by a National Coordination Body (NCB). The National Strategy and Action Plan (NSAP) guides the work of the NCB.
Geographic Focus
MFF in India works at the national level by networking, influencing policy issues, conducting training missions and through regional coordination activities. At the local level community networking, experience sharing and site-specific actions are at the core of MFF's activities.
For execution of large projects, five States in India were identified as priority areas. Selection of the five States was accomplished with seven categories, which include: human pressure, pollution, degradation, cyclone, climate change and sea level rise, seascape setting and unique features. The selection was largely guided by the following three measures:
1. Large extent of mangroves (West Bengal and Gujarat)
2. Biodiversity richness of mangroves (Orissa and West Bengal)
3. Tsunami-affected mangroves (Andhra and Tamil Nadu)
MFF's Strategy -
The National Strategy and Action Plan is organized into two categories:
1. Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for existing mangrove
2. Restoration Strategy and Action Plan for potential and or degraded mangrove areas
Under India's NSAP four priority areas have been identified in relation to MFF Programmes of Work (PoWs):
1. Environmentally sustainable livelihoods to reduce pressure on coastal ecosystems.
2. Plantation of mangroves for creating green belts.
3. Civil society awareness, participation in coastal decision making, and sustainable financing.
4. Improving knowledge gaps.
Alignment to ongoing in-country initiatives and priorities –
At the national level MFF goals and priorities align with the following:
1. Supporting national legislation: Indian Forest Act, 1882; Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972; Forest Conservation Act, 1980; Environment Protection Act, 1986; Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 1991 under the Environment Protection Act, 1986; Biological Diversity Act, 2002
2. Special National Acts: Karnataka Tree Act; and Tamil Nadu Hill Preservation Act
3. Relevant national policies: National Forest Policy 1988; India's National Environment Policy (NEP)
4. Under the system of democratic decentralization of responsibilities enshrined in Constitution amendment No. 73 of 1993, local bodies consisting of elected representatives, one third of whom are women, have been entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the local environmental capital stocks.
Grant Application Information –
Before considering applying for Mangroves for the Future (MFF) fund, please get the expert info and advice from skf NGO consultants / Ozg NGO Consulting.
MFF's Large Grant Facility (LGFs) projects -
Large projects have been led by local governments along with invited NGOs and institutions. The budget line for LGF is from USD 50,000 to a maximum of USD 300,000 per project.
MFF's Small Grant Facility (SGFs) projects -
Target groups for SGF projects are NGOs and Research Institutions. SGF projects have been selected with regards to their contribution to the following priorities:
I. Sustainable coastal livelihoods
II. Participatory assessment of current practices of mangrove restoration
III. Mangrove restoration and regeneration
IV. Coastal ecotourism strategies for conservation of habitats and generation of livelihoods
V. Sustainable coastal aquaculture
VI. Floral biodiversity and natural recruitment of mangroves
VII. Demonstration of coral rehabilitation for education and awareness raising
VIII. Assessment of status, threats and conservation measures of coral reefs in India and dissemination of information
IX. Hydrodynamics of mangroves
X. Sustainable management practices of mangroves
XI. Assessment of status of coastal shelterbelt for coastal protection
XII. Critical assessment of alternate livelihoods
XIII. Action plan for conservation for mangroves
Grant Size
The SGF projects are divided into two categories: i) less than USD 10,000, ii) between USD 10,000 - 25,000.
Implementation period
Up to 24 months.
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